The St. Thomas Coed Slo-Pitch League is offering High School students an opportunity to earn their Community Service/ Volunteer hours this summer. Spend a couple of Sundays throughout the season at the Doug Tarry Sports Complex, in the sun, with a friend, watching some great slo-pitch action and you will earn your 40-hours in no time.
The Complex is located at 275 Bill Martin Parkway in St. Thomas and the complex layout and diamond numbers can be viewed at the link below.
(Click for Diamond Layout/ Numbers)
Is it difficult to operate?
No! There will be instructions for the operation of the score clock at each diamond along with members of the League Executive and teams/players on site that will help you to get you started. During the previous season, most volunteers need less than an inning to become an expert.
Mistakes do happen and can be easily corrected! Not to worry. The teams and players will be grateful that you are willing to help out.
How do you sign up?
- Scroll down to the Google Sheets below (Computer) or Click on the Google Sheet link below (Phone).
- Link: Google Sheets Sign-Up Schedule
- You may need to install the Google Sheets App on your phone.
- Link: Google Sheets Sign-Up Schedule
- Check the date, start time(s), diamond, and make sure there is an opening.
- You can sign up alone or with a friend (Student #1, Student #2) for as many games as you would like throughout the day and season.
- If you don’t have a partner, please add your name to an open diamond slot or next to a single individual.
- Any Time Slot that does not already have two names listed or is blacked out is available.
- Please add your full name (First & Last) along with the name of your partner (if applicable).
- We would like to have all scoreboards running, if you feel comfortable working alone- please sign up for a diamond or time slot/ range that does not already have a volunteer(s).
- Arrive 10-minutes before your first game to allow yourself time to get set up- normally the scoreboards will already be on and ready to operate.
- Only sign up for dates that you can attend and if you are unable to attend or didn’t attend please remove your name so that others may sign up.
- The winning team will submit the final result of the game via our League Website and they will also indicate whether or not a student volunteer operated the scoreboard during their game. Please touch base with them after the game to remind them that you were there.
- You are responsible of keeping track of your dates and hours worked. At the end of the season or when you have completed your desired hours- reach out to the Executive to set up a time to have your Volunteer Sheet completed and signed. The Executive can be reached here.
- Most likely, we will arrange for a time to meet on Sunday at the Complex to sign off on your sheet. We will use the Google Sheet to review your hours worked.
- Check out the League Executive Members here to know who to look for at the park.
Transportation & Supervision
Transportation to and from the complex must be provided. Our league is an adult league and members of the League Executive and City Staff will be on-site throughout the day, but students will be left to operate independently. Parents are welcome to stay at the park if desire.
Other Points of Interest
- Bring lunch/ supper- food MAY be available to purchase at the park.
- Washrooms will be open.
- Only 2 people per diamond will be given credit for the worked hours.
- We expect you to be responsible and attentive- operating the scoreboards are requested
If you have any other questions please use the contact form on our website. Thank you!